
编辑:白泉山书院2020-01-19 09:00:54 关键字:pandas,to,or,giant,大熊猫,wild,nature,China,of,Yuner,pandas,Ranran,panda,will,natur



China plans to release one or two giant pandas into the wild in a nature reserve in east China's Jiangxi Province, the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas (CCRCGP) said Thursday.


This will be the first time that a giant panda is released into the wild outside southwest China's Sichuan Province, where 13 had been released by the end of last year.

According to CCRCGP, an expert meeting was held in Jiangxi, where it was decided1 that one or two pandas will be released into the Jiangxi Guanshan National Nature Reserve.

The nature reserve has a mild climate and a quite intact ecosystem2 , with abundant bamboo resources and little human interference, which is good for giant pandas and other wild animals to live and reproduce.

Researchers with CCRCGP introduced to the experts the wild training of three pandas named Panwang, Ranran and Yuner, respectively. All three pandas are two years old. Panwang and Ranran are female, and Yuner is male.

Researchers also briefed experts on the research method of the giant panda reintroduction program and the environment of the nature reserve.

Experts came to the conclusion that the three pandas are ready for reintroduction, and the reserve meets the requirements for the program.

The giant panda reintroduction program refers to releasing captive-bred pandas to their historical distribution areas to live and reproduce after wild training so as to rebuild the wild population of the giant panda.




  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。



  • This destroyed the ecosystem of the island.这样破坏了岛上的生态系统。
  • We all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.维持生态系统的完整是我们共同的利益。



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