
编辑:昆明范儿2019-07-25 17:42:33 关键字:满城,Dragon,Boat,The,中国,in,of,屈原,to,grand,春城秀,叶香,五月五,王中五瑞虎,rhyme



五月初五,端午节 >>>


The Dragon Boat Festival, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, is a grand festival in China.


With happy holiday to travel, with delicious rice dumplings to eat, what great fun!


“五月五,是端阳; 玄艾草,挂香囊; 吃鸡蛋、抹雄黄; 五色彩线绕满堂。五月五,含五黄,王中五瑞虎称王,蝎子、蜈蚣无处藏。”那首童谣,又在耳边响起, 对端午、 对童年的记忆慢慢变得清晰。

‘May 5, the Duanyang; hang wormwood, and sachet; eat eggs, smear realgar; colorful thread around the room. May 5, with five yellows, tiger is the king of five Benevolent, scorpion and centipede have nowhere to hide.’ The rhyme rings in the ear again, memories to the festival and to the childhood slowly come back.



Dragon Boat Festival. Story


Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu, Duanyang, is a traditional Chinese folk festival, as well as one of the ancient Chinese traditional festivals.



Continuing the Chinese history of more than two thousand years, in the vast area, among a large number of ethnic groups, with the color of stories, with different customs.



There are many sayings about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. According to the scholar Wen Yiduo and archaeological research of experts, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the festival of totem sacrifice held by Wuyue people in ancient south China.



This discovery comes earlier than the story of Qu Yuan, but for thousands of years, the patriotic spirit and touching poems of Qu Yuan have been deeply rooted in the hearts of people, so they prefer to accept that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, holding dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings are endowed with profound significance which are associated with commemorating Qu Yuan.




It has become a national great event of the Dragon Boat Festival to do such a series of things as hang calamus and wormwood, wear sachets, hold Dragon Boat racing, smear realgar, drink realgar wine, eat salted eggs and rice dumplings, etc.




Dragon Boat Festival. Rice Dumplings



Fragrant and soft rice dumplings are a must for the Dragon Boat Festival. At that time, there are rice dumpling competitions all over the country, with all kinds of forms and patterns, making people deeply attracted and captivated.



Kunming market is filled with rice dumplings with the fillings such as ham, char siu, fresh flowers and bean paste. However, old Kunming people prefer to eat rice dumplings they make by themselves, among which the simple rice dumplings without fillings is the most popular.



‘Small feet water rice dumplings’(simple rice dumplings with the shape of the small feet), which are bland and have no fillings, look simple but have more fragrance of the rice dumplings themselves. The indigenous reeds grown near Dianchi lake are used as the leaves of the rice dumplings. With slightly green color,the rice dumplings steamed will have a strong flavor of the green grass.




The old Kunming people keep the ancient Dragon Boat Festival tradition, they eat rice dumplings and drink wines, with the whole family gather together, talking about the past and the present. The most touching feelings for the Dragon Boat Festival of the old Kunming people are manifested in the peaceful scenery and image.





Dragon Boat Festival. Kunming


There are four treasures of the Dragon Boat Festival in Kunming, which are respectively rice dumplings, bean sprouts, garlic and salted duck eggs.



Soak the prepared broad beans in water for a few hours until germination, and then cook the sprout brad beans and garlic together, it is an elegant and happy thing for the old Kunming people to have the sprout beans with wine. Garlic must be eaten to ensure the health of the body.




The salted duck eggs must be eaten as well, as the saying goes, ‘eating the salted egg rice dumplings, sending the chill away’. After the Dragon Boat Festival, the hot summer is coming, with the humid climate and active pests and bacteria, the life activities also enter a vigorous stage, as a result, a lot of disease may occur, the ancient continuation of eating salted duck eggs is quite profound.



It is a custom of the Dragon Boat Festival to tie the five-colored lines for the children to pray for good health, the floor of the house is covered with pine leaf, and the door is hung with mugwort leaves, calamus and artemisia sticks to stop poisonous insects and bad luck...






It is the year of the Dragon Boat Festival again, over the city flies the fragrance of rice dumplings, you are welcome to Kunming to taste the fragrance of the rice dumplings and the beautiful scenery.



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