每周双语新闻 | News Share 5/10/ - 5/17

编辑:Peer国际2019-07-27 17:33:41 关键字:four,Share,in,Arkup,News,the,Tower,双语,Italy,法兰克福,france,gaza,加沙市,施舍碗,冰岛马驹

原标题:每周双语新闻 | News Share 5/10/ - 5/17

每周双语新闻 | News Share 5/10/ - 5/17

Student News Share

Week:5/10- 5/17

1) Paris, France

A light show in celebration of the 130th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower

法国巴黎:庆祝埃菲尔铁塔1 3 0周年的灯光秀

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2) Gaza City

Palestinians light fireworks celebrating the holy month of Ramadan.


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3) Pitigliano, Italy

Riders pass the town, during stage four of the 102nd Giro d‘Italia, or Tour of Italy, cycling race.


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4) Hangzhou, China

Monks wearing straw hats and holding alms bowls walk toward the Ling Yin Temple during Buddha's birthday on May 12, 2019.

中国杭州: 2019年5月12日,佛陀诞辰日, 头顶草帽、手拿施舍碗的僧人向灵隐寺走去。

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5) Bali, Indonesia

Australian's Owen Wright in action during round one of the Corona Bali Protected surfing competition


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6) Wehrheim, Germany

A newborn Icelandic horse foal runs with its mother in their paddock near Frankfurt.


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7) Miami Beach, Florida

An aerial view shows the Arkup houseboat, a green-energy luxury floating home that can allow owners to adapt as the sea level continues to rise. The Arkup is a fully solar-powered and sustainable luxury, livable yacht that has four hydraulic pilings that stabilize the vessel on the seafloor and that can also be used to lift the living quarters above rising ocean waters.

佛罗里达迈阿密海滩: 鸟瞰图显示的Arkup船屋,是一个绿色能源豪华浮动房屋,可以让业主适应海平面升浮。 Arkup是一艘完全由太阳能供电且可持续发展的豪华宜居游艇,有四个液压桩,可稳定船底,也可将生活区域抬升到海水上空

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8) New Taipei City

Chen San-yuan, a 70-year-old Feng Shui master, uses 29 cellphones mounted on his bike and two handheld cellphones to catch Pokemon. Chen was hooked on Pokemon Go in 2016 when his grandson taught him how to play the game. Chen spends all his spare time catching Pokemon on streets or in parks, sometimes staying outside until 4 am

新北市:70岁的风水大师陈三元在他的自行车上安装了29部手机,并使用两部手持式手机来捕捉Pokemon口袋妖怪。 2016年,当他的孙子教他如何玩游戏时,陈迷上了Pokemon Go。陈花了他所有的业余时间在街道或公园里捕捉口袋妖怪,有时在外面待到凌晨4点

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9) Nampho, North Korea

Farmers transplant rice seedlings in a field in Chongsan-ri, Kangso district


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10) Cusco, Peru

Workers at the Maras salt-evaporation ponds, which have been in use since pre-Inca times


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