我是歌手3张靓颖BangBang歌词MV原唱是谁附歌词翻译 张靓颖演绎欧美风嗨翻全场

编辑:洋葱2019-06-26 10:21:41 关键字:我是歌手3,张靓颖,BangBang

张靓颖上期翻唱信乐团的离歌大飙高音,但最终排名却垫底面临淘汰危险,其中与模仿门可能不无关系。在我是歌手第三季第5期中将迎来第二轮淘汰赛,张靓颖选择一首英文摇滚歌曲《Bang Bang》HIGH翻全场成功逆转排名劣势,从张靓颖的选曲上不难看出她的用心良苦着实是蛮拼的。伊尔女性网小编为大家带来我是歌手张靓颖BangBang歌词现场视频MV以及原唱是谁等相关信息。

我是歌手3张靓颖BangBang歌词MV原唱是谁附歌词翻译 张靓颖演绎欧美风嗨翻全场

为求逆转张靓颖从选曲上煞费苦心选择一首欧美流行风格的《Bang Bang》可以说瞬间征服现场观众,熟悉英文歌的观众应该都会很熟悉,这首歌是由Ariana Gra.n.de&max联合创作,Jessie J&&Ariana Gra.n.de&Nicki Minaj演唱的2014年度大热单曲,并在MTV的颁奖礼上首次合作演出。《Bang Bang》于2014年7月30日首发,收录于专辑《Bang Bang - Single》中。


张靓颖翻唱BangBang嗨翻全场,张靓颖力邀资深和声助阵挑战《bang bang》。


She got a body like an hourglass,她有一个身体像沙漏,

but I can give it to you all the time但是我可以给它所有的时间给你

She got a booty like a Cadillac,她得到了一个战利品像凯迪拉克,

but I can send you into overdrive (oh)但我可以送你到超速(OH)

(Stop a.n.d wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)


See anybody could be bad to you,看到有人可以对你不好,

you need a good girl to blow your mind,你需要一个好女孩来打击你的心灵,


Bang bang into the room砰的一声进了房间

(I know you want it)我知道你想要它

Bang bang all over you你砰砰跳的心

(I'll let you have it)我会让你拥有它

Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)等一下我带你去(啊)

Wait a minute tell you (ah)等一分钟告诉你

Bang bang there goes your heart你的心砰砰跳

(I know you want it)我知道你想要它

Back, back seat of my car回来,我的车后座

(I'll let you have it)我会让你拥有它

Wait a minute let me等等让我

take you there (ah)带你去啊

Wait a minute tell you (ah)等一分钟告诉你(啊)

She might've let you hold her ha.n.d in school,她会让你在学校里握着她的手,

but I'mma show you how to graduate但我会告诉你如何生

No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk,不,我不需要听你说,

just come a.n.d show me只是来告诉我

what your momma gave你妈妈给

(Oooh yeah)

(Your love gotta be baby,love but don't say a thing)


See anybody could be good to you,看到有人会对你很好,

you need a bad girl to blow your mind你需要一个坏女孩来打击你的心灵

Bang bang into the room砰的一声进了房间

(I know you want it)我知道你想要它

Bang bang all over you你砰砰跳

(I'll let you have it)我会让你拥有它

Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)等一下我带你去(啊)

Wait a minute tell you (ah)等一分钟告诉你(啊)

Bang bang there goes your heart你的心砰砰跳

(I know you want it)我知道你想要它

Back, back seat of my car回来,我的车后座

(I'll let you have it)我会让你拥有它

Wait a minute let metake you there (ah) 等我带你去啊

Wait a minute tell you (ah)等一分钟告诉你

It's Myx Moscato它的粘液麝香

It's frizz in a bottle它的卷曲在一瓶

It's Nicki full throttle这是尼基全油门

It's oh, oh是哦,哦

Swimming in the grotto在石窟游泳

We winning in the lotto我们赢得了乐透

We dipping in the pot of blue foam我们浸在蓝色泡沫罐

Kitten so good小猫很好

It's dripping on wood这是滴木

Get a ride in the engine that could在发动机能骑

Go, Batman robbin' it去,蝙蝠侠罗宾”

Bang, bang, cockin' it砰,砰,科金”

Queen Nicki dominant, prominent女王尼基主导,突出

It's me, Jessie, a.n.d Ari是我,杰西,阿里

If they test me they sorry如果他们测试他们对不起我

Ride us up like a Harley我们喜欢骑哈雷

Then pull off in this Ferrari然后拔出这辆法拉利

If he hanging we banging如果他挂我们撞

Phone ranging, he slanging手机响了,他谩骂

It ain't karaoke night but get the mic这不是卡拉ok夜但到麦克风

cause he singing因为他唱歌

B to the A to the N to the G to the uh|B A N G的啊

B to the A to the N to the G to the hey|B A N G的嘿

See anybody could be good to you,看到有人会对你很好,

you need a bad girl to blow your mind你需要一个坏女孩来打击你的心灵

(your mind)你的想法

Bang bang into the room砰的一声进了房间

(I know you want it)//下面歌词与上面重复略去翻译

Bang bang all over you

(I'll let you have it)

Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)

Wait a minute tell you (ah)

Bang bang there goes your heart

(I know you want it)

Back, back seat of my car

(I'll let you have it)

Wait a minute let me

take you there (ah)

Wait a minute tell you (ah)

Bang bang into the room

(I know you want it)

Bang bang all over you

(I'll let you have it)

Bang, bang, bang, bang,

bang, bang,

Bang, bang, bang, bang,

bang, bang, bang

Bang bang there goes your heart

(I know you want it)

Back, back seat of my car

(I'll let you have it)

Wait a minute let me

take you there (ah)

Wait a minute tell you (ah)













 抖音i see you monster是什么歌?歌词是什么?

抖音i see you monster是什么歌?歌词是什么?

不知道大家有没有注意到,我们总是会在抖音上面听到这样的歌,那就是i see you monster.尤其是在妇联四播出后特别的火爆[详情]

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