中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

编辑:伊尔女性网2019-08-11 07:54:26 关键字:iPhone,量子计算理论,物理,硬件,潘建伟,百度,Solidot,高通,技术,Twitter,爱范儿,文章

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中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别



据新华社最新报道,中科大潘建伟院长团队与中科院物理研究所范桁团队合作,研制出包含 24 个比特的高性能超导量子处理器,并首次在固态量子计算系统中实现了超过 20 比特的高精度量子相干调控。

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别


研究报告发表在《物理评论快报》期刊上,潘建伟团队与中科院物理所范桁团队合作,他们在系统连接性、读取效率、操控串扰及精度等问题上反复实验探索,成功地将芯片结构从一维扩展到准二维,研制出包含 24 个比特的高性能超导处理器。

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别


并首次在固态量子计算系统中,完成对“玻色 - 哈伯德”梯子模型多体量子系统的模拟,实现了超过 20 比特的高精度量子相干调控。


苹果或跟随安卓阵营硬件方向,在新款 iPhone 配备屏幕指纹识别功能。

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别


据外媒最新报告指出,预测苹果将在 2021 年的 iPhone 上采用屏幕指纹识别方案。更为惊喜的是,苹果除了加入屏幕指纹之外,还将继续保留 Face ID 的功能,换而言之,Face ID 和屏幕指纹不是竞争对手,而是互补关系。

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别


但由于技术成本和实现难度的原因,目前苹果不会将 Face ID 和屏幕指纹同时放在今年和明年的新款 iPhone 上,由此可见,只要等硬件成本和研发难度都克服之后,预计同时拥有 Face ID 和屏幕指纹功能的 iPhone 最早将在 2021 年推出。

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别


因为过去已推出的 iPhone XR,它的触控模块主要供应商是高通,所以今后高通将是与苹果共同研发屏幕指纹功能的技术开发伙伴。Face ID 目前依然会是苹果不可或缺的主要发展核心功能之一,哪怕是在未来几年的新款 iPhone 都不会放弃此功能。

作者点评:苹果一直以来手机内部的硬件架构都非常紧凑和严密,如果再塞一个屏幕指纹模组进去,那将会是一个巨大的工程,非常期待 Face ID 和屏幕指纹共存的 iPhone 推出。


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English version :

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Baidu

China"s successful R&D high-performance superconducting quantum processor is fully prepared for the in-depth expansion of the information age in the future.

According to the latest report of the Xinhua News Agency, the team of Dean Pan Jianwei of the Chinese University of Science and Technology and the team of Fan Truss of the Institute of Physics, CAS have developed a high-performance superconducting quantum processor containing 24 bits, and for the first time realized high-precision quantum coherence control of more than 20 bits in solid-state quantum computing systems.

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Baidu

The research report was published in the journal Physical Review Letters. The Pan Jianwei team cooperated with the Fan Wei team of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They repeatedly experimented and explored the system connectivity, reading efficiency, control crosstalk and accuracy, and successfully expanded the chip structure from one dimension to quasi-two dimensions. A high performance superconducting processor containing 24 bits is developed.

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Baidu

For the first time in the solid-state quantum computing system, the simulation of the multi-body quantum system of the "Bose-Hubbard" ladder model was completed, and high-precision quantum coherence control of more than 20 bits was realized.

Author comment: efforts to reduce manufacturing and R&D costs, hoping to quickly spread to civilian use.

Apple or follow the Android camp hardware direction, in the new iPhone equipped with screen Fringerprint Recognition features.

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Twitter

According to the latest report of foreign media, it is predicted that Apple will adopt the screen Fringerprint Recognition scheme on the iPhone in 2021. More surprisingly, in addition to adding screen fingerprints, Apple will continue to retain the Face ID features, in other words, Face ID and screen fingerprints are not competitors, but complementary.

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Qualcomm

But because of the cost of technology and the difficulty of implementation, Apple will not put the Face ID and screen fingerprints on this year"s and next year"s new iPhone at the same time, as long as the hardware costs and R&D difficulties are overcome. It is expected that iPhone, which has both Face ID and screen fingerprint functions, will be launched as early as 2021.

中国研制出24量子比特超导处理器 新iPhone将配备屏幕指纹识别

Photo by Twitter

Because the iPhone XR, which has been launched in the past and is a major supplier of touch modules, is Qualcomm Technologies, Qualcomm Technologies will be a technology development partner with Apple for its R&D screen fingerprint capabilities in the future. The Face ID will remain one of Apple"s essential core development features for now, and even the new iPhone will not give up in the next few years.

Author"s comment: Apple"s internal hardware framework has been very compact and tight, if another screen fingerprint module into it, it will be a huge project, very much looking forward to the Face ID and screen fingerprint coexistence of the iPhone launch.

The news source mentioned in this article comes from:

Solidot, Love Fan

Author"s signature: Nicolas Lee

This latest technology information broadcast here, like this channel remember to subscribe . Your praise and forwarding is the author"s greatest motivation, I am the senior Nicolas, we will see you next time, Bye Bye

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